December 22, 2009

Happy Holidays from Me and Sean

I’m not saying I won’t post again before any more holidays hit in the second to the last week of 2009 (I’ll definitely post again before 2010, so c’mon back y’all), but just in case I don’t, and in the spirit (and spirits) of the season, I wanted to wish every reader of this blog (all four of you, or five when certain people are out on parole) a happy and boozy holiday of your choice and holiday season. Now, it might seem like my sentiments would be enough, but because I’m always willing to go the extra mile (or mile of bottles), I brought in hunky (still) Sean Connery and a bottle of Beam to help with the wishes. Go on, fill up a glass and look into his eyes . . . that’ll make your holiday extra happy, I promise (unless you pass out from the dreaminess. Well, that might make your holiday happier, too).



phismi said:

You know how I feel about bourbon, but young Sean Connery is dreamy. And I say that as a happily married man.

Also, totally geeking out on the simplicity of the ad copy (it’s what I do).

admin said:

That ad copy is nice, and the very simple layout is nice, too. Forceful even. Why are today’s ad not nearly as cool?

Marquee Mark said:

Don’t forget the attractive gift box. Whatever happened to attractive gift boxes for booze?

admin said:

That box is pretty rad–I would love seeing that under the tree. I think today’s liquor store owner scoops the boxes to make collages. But that’s just a theory.

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