July 24, 2018

Cocktail Talk: The Crimson Clue, Part II

Image result for the crimson clueDon’t go thinking I decided to have a second Cocktail Talk from George Harmon Coxe’s The Crimson Clue because of the rhyme between “clue” and “two,” though admittedly that’s a bonus. But this 50s Kent Murdock (news photographer by day, murder solver by night)-starring read had too many Cocktail Talk moments to not highlight another one. Oh, if you missed The Crimson Clue, Part I, where I talk a bit more about the book, and have another nice quote, then I suggest trotting back in time to catch up. Caught up? Nice. That means you probably need a drink, and if you’re tired of bubbly like our man Kent, then the below will fit you like good shoes.

Elliott tapped the empty glass. “How many of those have you had?”


“You don’t particularly like that stuff, do you?”

“Not particularly.”

“Then how about a real drink? A Scotch?”

“Fine,” Murdock said.

Elliott called to a passing waiter, asking him to bring two Scotch and sodas to the library.” Mostly Scotch,” he added.

–George Harmon Coxe, The Crimson Clue

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