October 27, 2015
Cocktail Talk: Baby Moll
I’ve had a Cocktail Talk post from John Farris’ Baby Moll before, but recently I was running late for the bus, and had to grab a book (I can’t ride the bus book-less), and well I couldn’t resist the cover here, and it was well worth reading again. Especially because of the below quote:
In the afternoon some of us, including Macy and Evelyn Rinke, put on suits and went swimming. Taggart, Diane, and Charley Rinke didn’t participate. They sat together on the terrace and drank Planter’s Punch and Salty Dogs. She paid no attention to Taggart. Now and then he would look at her over his lifted glass, a hint of pleasure in his eyes.
–John Farris, Baby Moll