What I’m Drinking: Oomrang Apricot Eau De Vie and Tonic
The “and Tonic” family of drinks is a wide one, and getting wide as people happily realize the breadth of tasty choices. Though still utilized mainly in summer and the sunnier months (especially the grandmother and matriarch G and T), don’t get stuck into thinking that a tonic number isn’t going to treat you rightly during other times of year, too (though cold winter nights can be a tougher sell, you can go for a vocational vibe in those situations). In the current fall time, which bridges summer months and fall months, I find an Apricot Eau De Vie (or fruit brandy) and Tonic especially nice. If you have the right Apricot brandy naturally! I’m using Oomrang’s version, which is a delight thanks to being based on apricots handpicked at the peak of ripeness, with the absolute perfect ones de-pitted, for a robust flavor of apricots tree-ripened in the summer sun. One note: this delicious apricot fruit brandy is not to be confused with some “Apricot brandies” out there, which are actually liqueurs, and tend to be treacly ones. I used Q tonic for that side of the “and,” but others could work, and tonic syrup would be a treat. I was just out!

Apricot Eau De Vie and Tonic
Ice cubes
2 ounces Oomrang Apricot Eau De Vie
4 ounces Q Tonic (or to taste)
Apricot slice, for garnish
1. Fill a highball or comparable glass three-quarters up with ice cubes. Add the Apricot Eau De Vie, and then the tonic.
2. Stir, but gently, and garnish with the apricot slice.