For my fourth (out of five, you lucky people) tip filmed with the fine culinary and drinkingary folks at Chow, I delve into the deep nature of ingredient order. In drinks (well, what did you think?). Also, I make a Bronx (which you’ll love–you love a Bronx right? Named after the zoo? You should be having one now. Or after you watch the video), and my cheeks shake a little while I’m shaking the drink, which is a nice human touch. Because I’m not a robot people. Oh, if you haven’t watched the other Chow tips yet, get to it. Here they are: #1, #2, #3. And one more to come (yay!), and it’s the most tantalizingly terrific tip to make it to Spiked Punch yet.
Okay, all right, calm down–I promise at least one non-Chow tip post after this one, before another Chow tip post (though Schticker girl does seem to dig them, and that’s good enough for me to post more). But dang it, they’re so well done (bless the Chow people, goodly Chow people) I feel like shouting them out on the streetcorner. Since I can’t get away from my desk due to the shackle, and think that streetcorner shouters need serious beards and louder voices, I’m going to post them here instead. This post presents that age old debate: nature vs nurture. No, no, that’d be dullsville baby. It’s an even more momentous showdown: Shaking vs Stirring. Who wins and who whines? Well, you’ll have to watch it to see (but to give it away, the winner is you, and the whiner is the person not having a drink tonight).
Down the blog calendar a bit, I talked about going to sweet ol’ San Francisco and shooting some drinking and drink-making tips with the rockingily rocking folks at, specifically pal Meredith and cool camera jockey Blake Smith. They were so pro (and so good at things like editing and putting lots of Vaseline on the lens) that they made me look pretty shiny, at least in this first tip that I’ve seen. It’s called “What’s the Right Way to Shake a Cocktail,” and it’s all my opinion, so if you agree, that’s okay (as long as your way still delivers me a chilly mix with a smile). But how will you know if you don’t watch it? So, you’d better watch it. And make upload it to your facebooker friends or whatever it is you kids do. Oh, and check out my rad bracelet Sookie gave me for my birthday a while back. I am hard core.
PS: I think there are 5? 6? tips total (hey, they were drink tips, and I got a little hazy near the end–who knows what they filmed me doing), so come back to see more.