February 26, 2010

I’m in Penthouse Magazine: Check Me Out

Dear Readers-


I never thought it could happen to me. But there I was, in a fancy New York eatery, slurping up noodles and sipping a drink, when across the table this woman started making eyes at me, looking at me in a questioning way that I, from the beginning, completely understood (sometimes you just get that feeling, you know). She was wondering “is he ever going to answer the damn question, or just sit there staring dreamily at his cocktail?” See, the woman was the charming bartender-and-drink-writer Meaghan Dorman (who writes the saucy blog Spirit Me Away, and is head bartender at the smoove Raines Law Room), who was nice enough to interview me for Penthouse Magazine. We talked all about the Dark Spirits, and the super rad interview is now out, in the new issue of said magazine–the March 2010 Penthouse issue, that is. So, you have an excuse to buy Penthouse (certain gentlemen are already sprinting to the newsstand, they’re so excited to read the interview. And see my centerfold). The best part? You can honestly say, “I’m buying it for the articles.”


Yrs lovingly-


Christy said:

If only they really had that photo in there. Dreamy.
Way to go!

admin said:

They should. You should lobby for getting it in there (or, start a magazine and have it in there. That would be rad).

Jon said:

Wowsa! I knew you looked good sans clothing. . . but holy guacamole!

leslie said:

Were you wearing a wig as that’s the only thing I noticed that didn’t seem to ring true about this pic..

phismi said:

Booze and porn. Porn and booze. We are seeing a man at the apex of his career. The rest of us can only dream …

admin said:

It is a bit lovely, right? Or horrifying. But the wig was maybe too much.

Howard Stelzer said:

That image will give me nightmares, I know it.

jenny said:

Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment. Forgive me, though, if my stroll to the newsstand is leisurely and not a full blown sprint!

admin said:

Howard–keep a bottle of bourbon by the bed and you’ll be fine.

Jenny–No sprint needed. Though I have the admit, the article (if not the photo shoot above) is pretty rad. Maybe you can get one of the Lawrence boys to buy it, and then just let you read it?

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